Jul 7, 2012

Good News from Amazon AWS for SEO and Newsletter Marketers

Amazon AWS latest announcement of Multiple IP Addresses for Amazon EC2 Instances support is a great news for SEO and Newsletter markers.

Why these are Good News?
Both SEO and Newsletter marketers require large number of dedicated IP addresses:

  1. Google tend to associate websites that are using the same IP address. Therefore, if a single site uses unethical SEO methods, you may want to avoid a ranking damage to other sites. Another reason is that linking methods are considered more effective if they come from external sites.
  2.  Major email suppliers around the world (Google's Gmail, Yahoo!, Yandex and Microsoft Hotmail) limit the number of emails per minute they accept from a single IP. Multiple IP addresses can help newsletter service providers better utilize their existing instances.
Bottom Line
Online services are getting better every time. It's time to utilize them!

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