Nov 7, 2008

Green IT (Green Computing) - IT as an environmental issue

Environment is a major global issue of the 21st century due to growing air and water pollution, toxic wastes and consumption of non – renewable natural resources causing global warming.

The IT industry help to the global effort of protecting the environment is becoming eminent as IT systems are the fastest growing segment of electrical power consumption worldwide.

The building of IT systems infrastructure requires expensive non-renewable natural resources for electrical power distribution systems, backup power systems, cooling systems and fire suppression systems. In addition, there is a need to consider the large electricity consumption.

As technology evolves servers' cost reduces and many find it easier to buy another server for a new application, instead of using their computing resources efficiently. However, the industry is changing and preference of "green" products over not "green" products is a growing trend.

Green Computing requires new thinking in order to reduce the use of hazardous materials, to maximize energy efficiency and to promote recycling.

The IT industry made numerous changes to improve the systems' overall energy efficiency:

1st Generation Green Computing

The first generation of Green IT is consolidation. Using this methodology major enterprises have gathered servers from different departments in the enterprise into the enterprise data center. The consolidation enabled these organizations consolidate several clients from various departments using the same application or software architecture into a single server, reducing the number of servers and the environmental costs.

2nd Generation Green Computing

These days we are in the middle of the second generation of Green Computing, which is better known as virtualization. Servers’ virtualization enables enterprises gathering several different servers which do not share the same architecture or vendor and place them on a single physical server. Virtualization reduces the number of needed physical servers, which usually leads to high CPU and Memory usage from few percents to high utilization. This technology enables you doing more with every dollar you spent on your servers' hardware and data center floor space. Therefore, Virtualization has a proven 5 months ROI and it leads to average 30% data center cost reduction.

3rd Generation Green Computing

Virtualization made a great change in enterprises, turning low utilization production servers into high utilization servers.

Today, every new virtual machine you place on an existing physical server, leads to immediate savings, but the savings are limited by the server resources utilization.

The obstructing components for economical and environmental savings are the CPU, memory and network usage efficiency of every logical machine.

The components' efficiency is directly connected to the software performance. It is common to see that efficient implementation of a key business process, can lead to 50% reduction in the resource utilization. Software performance boost is considered to be the 3rd Generation Green Computing, and will enable enterprises reduce both economical and environmental costs

We at RockeTier, are leading the 3rd generation Green Computing by providing novel methods and methodology to boost software performance. Our methodology enables hardware utilization, reduction of servers, floor space usage and electricity consumption.

I highly recommend that you go over Gartner review, which identified the top 10 strategic technologies for 2009. Performance is a key component in Green Computing, one of the top 10 strategic technologies in both 2008 and 2009.

Latest Green Computing news are available at CNET and ZDNet

Save Earth,



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